Graphic designers are in high demand these days. Most business owners do not have time to go through graphic design school to learn how to create graphics for logos, website banners, social media banners, favicons, brochures, fliers, commercials, videos, etc. They have businesses to run, so they either hire full-time graphic designers or freelancers to design graphics for them. While learning graphic design for business, you open yourself up to a new career in this explosive graphic design industry. This step can open up new doors for you within the Web and Graphic Design and textile industries. We will take you on hand-in-hand practical steps to becoming a pro in the graphic industry.
Setting up new document, Introduction to tools, Understanding shape, frame and place holders, texture content, working with style, placing image using layers, creating special effects, typography, working with image and a lot more
‣ ADOBE ILLUSTRATORIntroduction to tools, Choosing a workspace, Get to master advance illustrator, Tools Create vector, Colorizing traced hand drawing and prepare graphics for web and print, Product design, UI and UX design, Design a logo in modern style, Mastering gradients, Game design Creating a colorful illustration, Working with pen tools, Textile design, Adding symbol to artwork and a lot more.
‣ ADOBE PHOTOSHOPIntroduction to Photoshop, Understanding layers, Automation, Exploring mini bridge, Logo design, Flyers, Business Cards, Banners, Photo Editing, Created animated gifs, Color Correction, Understanding color for branding. Etc
‣ CORELDRAWIntroduction to CorelDraw, Using the toolbox, Drawing and Editing, Object creation and manipulation, Bitmaps and Vectors effects, Letterhead and Data Merge, Creating a three-panel brochure, Flayer design, Sideshow presentation, Using script and macros to create a calendar and a lot more.Etc